Friday, May 28, 2010

Home + Work

Back to the routine here, without the surf.  Not used to the mugginess after the perfect weather in Vegas but this morning was beautiful in Kaneohe, not a cloud.  Finally got some work piling up with the State trying to spend all their money by the end of June.  Not the best procurement practices if you ask me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Aria & Artest

Ron Artest, I don't know......he plays hard but what a dummy........lucky he got redemption at the end. Hope they can close them out in Phoenix. 
Glad to be home.  Happy with some cash in hand, not a winner but well within budget.  Got to visit Aria and part of the city center last night, unbelievable development, huge, huge, huge.  Aria casino is real nice, gotta stay there soon.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Finished 3 day conference here in Vegas.  Good conference.  Awesome weather this week.  Vegas has nicer sunsets than Hawaii, everyday so far has had a killer one.  Highlight of the trip so far (besides parleying my hard 8 when I really needed it) has been running into Rampage Jackson and his entourage at the MGM.
Up and down trip so far..........better than disaster.  Maybe tonights the night!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Had fun in the scramble golf tourney at Royal Kunia yesterday.  Hit a few good ones & a few bad ones and actually won a greenie on #5 at 8'7".  Our team did well and we came in 4th, pretty good!


Good waves in the park this morning but super crowded!  Curtis didn't even paddle out and went to eat instead, hahaha.  Went to the open market at KCC after surf, packed!  Tons of japanese tourists...Saiko must have felt right at home.  Lots of cool booths but long lines.  They have a pretty cool cactus field there.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Choppy conditions this morning at the park.  Not as fun as the past few days but there are waves.  They now have buoys in the channel to mark a lane for the stand up paddlers.  The janitors now have to stay between the buoys and the reef.  Rainy morning drive to work.

Cafe Maharani & Alaska

Booked our flights for Alaska in September.  Good deal $455 RT.  Ready to check out Denali and Prince William Sound.
Dinner last night at Cafe Maharani.  Ran into Trisha & Summer.  Good meal.

yellow rice

lamb saag

eggplant dish #52 or 53

and the naan


Wednesday lunch at Koi.  Blackened Ahi Caesar Salad.  They had a cool aquarium that looked like a picture frame.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


What a difference a day makes.  Waves same size as yesterday but more consistent and much less crowded.  Fun times.  Played 9 holes yesterday, game is coming around nicely.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer is here

Disappointing waves in the park this morning.  Morning sickness, inconsistent and crowded!  The summer crowds are here.  At least the tide is better than last week.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Truck trouble

Kaui and I had a problem coming back from the dump when the truck broke down coming up the saddle.  Called AAA to get towed, great service.  Kaui had to stay in the truck for the tow, she was happy. 
Later, went for a short hike up Kalaheo and dinner at Baci. Not as good as previous visits. 
Lazy Sunday.  Ready for some surf!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

No crowd, some waves

Saturday morning, surfed Concessions.  Windy but offshore so nice conditions.  Uncrowded 2.5' and lots of fun.  Stayed out long cause no crowd, got shallow at the end.  Looking at the ocean now, super shallow with the reef edges all bare.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Where to? Who?

Dinner at Mom and Dad's last night, Reid gave them a big chunk of ahi.  Watermelon for Kaui.  Trying to plan a trip for later this year.  Saiko is deciding where.  Current options are Alaska, Australia, New York & Las Vegas but I'm sure that will change.  Where are we going?  Stopped by to see Grandma yesterday.  For the first time, she didn't recognize me!  Who?  Oh well, she looked happy and said she was doing fine.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

1200 gallons

Some fun waves this morning at the park.  No bigger than 2' but nice conditions, pretty consistent and best of all, uncrowded!  Tried the breakfast lunchwagon at Kewalo's per Glen's suggestion.  Lots of food, tasty and cheap.  Tried the breakfast burrito, got two huge ones for $3. 
Just found out there was a 1200 gallon sewage spill yesterday in the Ala Wai.  Oops, at least I wasn't surfing at Bowls.  Water looked pretty clean to me.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Got a few boards out for maintenance......change wax, inventory fins and fix dings.  Dropped one so another ding to fix.  Got a "brand new" used K6 from Barney, don't usually buy used boards but the dimensions were good and it was cheap plus it has glassed on fins.  Thanks Ron for spraying my 6'3" round-pin.  I like it but I like the last spray better.

Beautiful day

Beautiful morning today.  Glassy waves and not a cloud around.  Too bad there weren't more waves.  Took out the new board I just got from Barn.  Felt pretty good but not quite enough waves to know for sure.  Also totally kooked and ended up "boogie boardiing" my best wave of the day.  Baaaah!  Got my newly sprayed board from Ronald, came out pretty sick, will post pics later.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day weekend

Long busy weekend, didn't surf at all, first time in awhile.  Went to the gym on saturday for the first time in forever, it's nice and renovated with big screen tv's all over, new upholstery on the equipment, new flooring, nice.  Saw dogs in all shapes and sizes at the pet expo, that was fun and found some cheap dog treats for Kaui.  Fun dawn patrol gang party at Greg and Jess's place in Halawa.  Good to get together with some of the gang out of the water.

Started sunday with a early morning stroll down the beach then Mother's day brunch at Midpac.  Some shopping in the afternoon then laze around.  Good weekend.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Go Buff & Blue

Watching the state semis, Puns vs Midpac in HD, awesome! Can Punahou possibly 7-peat? That would be insane.
this wine is absolutely delicious

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Jordy takes it down, got a 10 in this heat.  Miguel has to wait for another day.  Got to know Miguel while staying at Puri Uluwatu.  Humble, polite, well mannered kid who rips......hope to see him on the tour soon.

Nike 6.0 Pro

The waves look super fun today at Lower Trestles.  Andy advances.
Waiting for Miguel against Jordy. Go Miguel!

1000 pts

The Dow down 1000pts, is that for real?  Heard this was coming but hoping it wasn't.  Could get worse, hang on. 
Cruised Ala Moana a bit yesterday afternoon then had dinner at Yohei, some nigiri, some soba and some tempura.  Broiled hamachi and ahi tataki teishoku for Saiko.  Oishii. 
Met carpenter this morning to show him the work I need done, hope it's not too expensive.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Where's the swell?

Little disappointed with the surf this morning, smaller than expected - not even 3'.  A little wind side chop also but still fun and not crowded.  Saw Wade M. for the first time in awhile, surfing a new 5'0" Tokoro SF-2.  Nice day and nice to have the trades back.  Days are getting longer, paddled out at 5:20.  Box jellys are coming so no surfing for the next few days.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lafleur Gazin

Really enjoyed this one

New south swell

Looks like a new swell just coming in.  Hit it tomorrow.
look how crowded!  yikes.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Glassy morning at the park today.  Looked a little crumbly and on-shore when I first got there but turned out to be perfect conditions with a very light crowd.  Where was everyone? 
The whole mauka side parking was empty.  If only there were more waves.