Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bye Bye Bubba

  Fun waves in the park today, way better than yesterday.  Caught a left past Big Rights.  These pics aren't even of the sets.  Sets were a little inconsistent but had the size when they came.  Not very crowded, Reid came out.
Jeff and Griff go back home today.  Sorry to see them go, fun hanging with the Bubba.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Busy weekend.  First country surf of the season at Glass Doors on Saturday, fun but not enough.  Had a Mentawai re-union and planning party.  Looks like most of the gang is down for another trip next year.  Can't wait already.
Great air show in Kaneohe this weekend.  The Blue Angels were awesome as usual but I thought the F22 stole the show.  That jet is awesome, wouldn't want to be a war against America.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Aloha Friday

Nice waves this morning, swell came in over the evening.  Glassy with light crowds made for a great day.  Ended up surfing 2nd holes for the first time in awhile.  Good fun, gotta be quick there.  Promising surf for the weekend on both North and South sides with light winds.  What to do?
Bubba coming to town again today and the Blue Angels this weekend.  Should be a great weekend all around.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Rainy morning with beautiful conditions and not enough waves.  Got soaked running.  No sign of the new swell.  Country came down quite a bit but a new swell is coming too.  This weekend could be good all over. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Not much waves in town recently.  Haven't surfed since hitting Threes on Saturday.  South swell is expected later this week and country is waking up too.  Lazy weekend, took Mom for birthday breakfast on Sunday.  Doc today, cholesterol was 214.  Shit.  Too much eating in Alaska and not enough excercise.
Academy of Arts
Bath for Sylvester

Friday, September 17, 2010

Summer Ending?

Decent waves this whole week.  Little smaller today but no jellyfish so it was good.  Less crowded today but just as cold.  What's up with the cold air?  Felt like fall or winter the past 2 mornings. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Nice place, lots to do when the weather is nice.

Hawaii 5-0

Back after a nice jaunt to Alaska. Good waves today in the park!  Came way up from yesterday.  3'+ on the sets and multi-wave sets.  Tide on the high side and crowded but very fun to have waves.  They were filming Hawaii 5-0 at the concession stand today.  Something different.  Hope the waves last.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dog rips

Survived some food poisoning just in time to be ready to hit Alaska.  Took Kaui to the beach before her bath.  Saw a surfing dog, pretty cool.  Wish I had a video camera instead of my iphone.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Andy Irons wins at Chopes!  First contest win in a couple years.  Good for him.


Great game last night.  UH looked good, especially on offense but I thought the D actually looked ok given the oppposition.  USC brought their band, pretty cool.  Twilight games are kinda nice. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Busy week

Busy week at work and also at home with a vacation coming up.  Too bad no waves but the box jelly's are coming so guess it's ok.  Took Kaui to the beach yesterday evening, she hadn't been in awhile so it was nice.

Mountain apples from Maunawili